Sun Safety Policy

Procedure to be followed to reduce the Risk

  • Talk to children about why the sun can harm their skin and how best to protect themselves
  • Encourage parents to send clothes that provide good sun protection (e.g. hats, long sleeves)
  • Only children wearing a sun hat and sun cream are permitted to play outside between the months of May and September in sunny weather.
  • Permission from parents must be given each year for staff members to apply the sun cream to their child
  • The children’s sun cream must be at least factor 50
  • Staff should apply the cream at least 15 minutes before the children venture outside to ensure that it has started working. The cream will be reapplied as per instruction on each individual bottle.
  • Where possible, outdoor activities should be scheduled at times other than the middle of the day when the sun’s rays are most harmful
  • Hold outdoor activities in areas of shade where possible
  • Staff and parents/carers should act as good role models by practising sun safety themselves
  • Individual arrangements will be made for children with medical conditions who are unable to wear sun cream
  • Regularly remind children, staff and parents about sun safety through newsletters, meetings, informal discussions