Legislation Links:
Equalities Act 2010
Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on the Delivery of Free Early Education for two-, three- and Four-Year Olds and Securing Sufficient Childcare in conjunction with the Provider Agreement.
We are open from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday term time only this is within the guidelines of local schools and will be determined and reviewed each year.
It is our intention to make Dolly’s Day Care accessible to all children and families of our local community. We will:
- Accept children who are eligible for Kent County Council Funding for FF2 Two-year-old working parents funding 3- and 4-year-olds. Funding hours are allocated between 09:00 to 12:00 and 12-30 to 15-30 Monday to Friday up to a maximum of 15-30 hour per week. Funding which is allocated for 38 weeks of the year, Additional hours attended will be charged at our hourly rate or for those who are not eligible
- We welcome fathers and mothers, other relations, carers including child minders and people from all cultures, ethnic, religious and social groups, with and without disabilities. Our equal opportunities policy is made available to all parents and staff to ensure it is widely known.
- Dolly’s DayCare is promoted widely in the local community. We have a website for information and leaflets and rely on word of mouth. We ensure that information about our day care is accessible, in written and spoken form, if possible.
- From time to time, we have input, or may contact outside support such as Specialist Teachers, Health Visitors, local schools, etc., where individual children may be discussed under strictly confidential circumstances with the child’s best interests in mind. It is important and necessary for parents to be included in this process.
- Ensure that each child and their family are treated with respect, paying attention to individual needs and backgrounds whilst ensuring equality for all.
- Provide a programme of daily activities which are suitable for all children depending on age and ability, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to take part.
- Provide regular opportunities for communication alongside questionnaires to families to ensure that a broad range of childcare needs is accommodated.
- We arrange our waiting list on a first come, first served basis.
- Work in partnership with other settings, professionals and childminders to provide continuity of care. Contact will be in the form of communication, our request to join Facebook. email, texts and letters/reports on tapestry which includes regular observations this is all required under the strict e-safety policy that Dolly’s Day care has in place.
- If financially viable, we will keep a spare place for emergency admission.
- We require one full calendar months notice in writing to either change a child’s days or withdraw the child from our care.
- Parents/carers must notify us if a child is to be collected by any other person other than the main carer. In an emergency a telephone call will be sufficient. In the event that someone unknown to us will be collecting a child, we have a password system in place. Passwords are unique to each child.
- Ensure that our opening times are available to all parents/carers. We ask that parents/carers respect our opening times. We understand that there are times when collecting your child late is unavoidable, however a charge of £15 to each and every 15-minute period of late collection will apply. Persistent late collection of a child may result in your child’s place being reviewed.